Entry #12

1- The inspector needs a flawless American accent.
Everyone speak with an accent. In this case, the inspector’s accent is French and it takes him much effort to acquire British pronounciation. The accent describes aspects of pronounciation that identify where people is from.

2- Students dialect?
In the video, we can see students using American dialects to talk among them. Grammar and pronounciation differ from the Standard American English, also the words change into informal. Moreover, we find slangs. They are usually spoken among teenagers who share the same group. In most cases, slangs illustrate obscenities and taboo terms.

3- Speak English, please!
In this video, the interviewer asks the soldier in a formal way, which let us think that it is a real interview. However, the soldier attitude and vocabulary make the viewer realize that it is an informal interview. This change of styles are known as style-shifting.

Also, there is a problem in pronounciation. The soldier can’t acquire the American accent despite he had studied this language. As he is not clearly understood, the video production decides to subtitle what he speaks.


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