Entry #8

Fighting for equality

George Montague, who is 94, is the oldest man in life to have been imprisoned account of his sexuality. This tragic event would have been unimaginable even twenty years ago. Nowadays, gay people can get married but the struggle for gay acceptance in society continues.
In Britain, for homosexuals, equality and reality seems just a dream. They are still questioned by some parts of the society, including the church and the judicial system, if homosexuality is the product of nature or nurture.Meanwhile, prosecuted gays participate actively in parades and protests to fight for their rights.
Recent statistics point out  gay men who are six times more susceptible to suicide, their anguish unsaid..Overtime, violence has increased against homosexuals men, who from early ages face bullying. Another disappointing rate that gay men suffer form is earning between 10 and 32% less than their heterosexual colleagues. For men, it is difficult to survive in an aggressive society that establishes differences according to their sexual life.
Elton John wrote: “Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society.” This song, All girls love Alice, is based on a murder of a lesbian. Today, discrimination and different kinds of offences toward homosexuals go beyond everyday lives. For instance, during this year's Pride festivities, heterosexual Twitter users’ started the trend #HeterosexualPride with disrespectful comments. Some of these users invited others to share their pride if they are “straight”, as it was a heterosexual survey.
However, online culture reduce LGBT issues to white noise. In place of genuine debate and progress, Internet users are able to use rainbow filters and unicorns in different webpages. Also, the idea of homosexual love, marriage and family are expressed throw emojis in the most popular web applications, like Whatsapp, or social networks such as Facebook.

All in all, anti-gay feelings seem to be updated from generation to generation. Clearly, some heterosexuals do not accept homosexuality as a lifestyle option and attack them physically, orally and through the Internet. To make things worse, judges deny gays rights, so it is difficult for them to gain respect and support. It is time to stop violence and start acting in favour of a peaceful world where everyone could live and respect one another.

- Hodges, R. (2017)The vital fight for LGBT rights in Britain is being obscured by empty virtue-signalling. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/vital-fight-lgbt-rights-britain-obscured-empty-virtue-signalling/

- YOUTUBE, "Elton John - All girls love Alice" in Youtube

-YOUTUBE, "Sting - They dance alone (Cueca Solo)" in Youtube

-YOUTUBE, "Sting - Englishman in New York" in Youtube


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