Entry #7


In paragraph by listing, the writer list items of supporting material. Also, the writer should bear in mind the structure to avoid distraction from the reader. The focus is on the four functions:

  • Paragraph introducer: sentences establish the topic focus of the paragraph.
  • The paragraph developer present examples or details to support ideas.
  • Modulators: sentences that provide a smooth transition between diferent set of ideas.
  • Terminators: These conclude ideas.
This listing paragraph makes a list of weaponry and tools. The topic sentence states the apparatus that the hunter needs for hunting. Each item is separated by commas. The transition sentence (modulator) expresses how the hunter performs the weaponry and tools, they are necessary to carry out his job. Finally, the terminator sentence concludes with a brief comment about what is previously mentioned and may be, adding extra information.

The example paragraph is a kind of list paragraph in which explample sentences closely support the topic sentence. Alse, there is a terminator sentence. The structure is made up of:
  • Topic sentence: It states de main idea.
  • Example sentence: It presents a specific example or illustration related to the topic sentence.
  • Restatement sentence: This repeats or restates the main idea of the topic sentence in diferent words.The restatement sentence gives the effect of rounding off the paragraph, it's similar to terminator sentences.
This paragraph provides the reader with an example of freedom. The topic sentence is followed  by a supporting sentence which introduces the example. In the third sentence, the example begins with "a few years ago" which refers to an anecdote. The colon separates two independant clauses and in the second clause it is illustrated what it is mentioned in the previos clause. The puntuation marks are used for quoting the words of the protagonist from the example. Finally, the terminator sentence includes what is previously mentioned.

A comparison paragraph compares similar aspects or qualities of two subjects. The structure is comformed by:
  • Topic introducer. (The topic sentence states specifically the basis of comparison)
  • Example sentence
  • Transition sentence may be used to change from one point of view to another.

This paragraph compares two ways of achieving a goal. The topic sentence sets "success" in the professional life. Also, in the first sentence the writer uses comparative phrases (far less... than) to make a comparison between how to climb up a ladder and a mountain. The supporting sentence adds extra information of one of the items, they are separated by commas and the coordinating conjuction "and". The paragraph concludes with other comparison between mountains and ladders.

The contrast paragraph compares dissimilar aspects of two subjects. The structure is: Topic introducer, topic sentence, examples sentences, transitional sentence and the restatement sentence. Two procedures may be followed:
  • Alternate examples.
  • The contrast may be in the same sentence or they may be in consecutive sentences.
  • All the examples may be together .

This paragraph contrasts the hunter job with animal's life. The topic sentence provides the reader with what the hunter can do with his "trophy" (refering to the dead animal). The suporting sentences contains examples of what the hunter can do with the animal body, also these include extra information. The use of "but" changes the point of view, it is related to the costs of the uses of the dead animal. Finally, the terminator sentence values the animal's life. The comparisons are made in different sentences.

The purpose of comparing and contrasting two point of views is to understand both clearly and to make judgement about them. The structure may be:

The Point by Point Method
Topic Sentence: Comparison or Contrast between X and Y
A. Sub-topic 1: First Comparison or Contrast
  1. point 1 of X
  2. point 1 of Y
B. Sub-topic 2: Second Comparison or Contrast
  1. point 2 of X
  2. point 2 of Y
C. Sub-topic 3: Second Comparison or Contrast
  1. point 3 of X
  2. point 3 of Y
The Block Method
Topic: Comparison or Contrast between X and Y
A. Features of X
  1. point 1 of X
  2. point 2 of X
  3. point 3 of X
B. Features of Y
  1. point 1 of X
  2. point 2 of X
  3. point 3 of X
This paragraph constrast and compare two occupations: a hunter and a photographer. The preposition "like", at the beginning of the paragraph, implies similarities between the jobs.The vocabulary is specifically related to jobs, they are presented as examples of tools previously mentioned in the topic sentence. The comma before "and" give the reader the idea that gramatically two components are separated but the coordinating conjuction "and" adds more information. In the last sentence, the use of "but" makes a comparison between the two jobs, it seems for the reader that the hunter enjoys more than the photographer the time and interest invested in mechanical aspects.

The definition paragraph is often used at the beginning of a long paper or book to define a new subject. Also, definition paragraph serves as summaries of longer essays or chapters.
In this paragraph, the writer tries to explain the definition of crime. The introduction is set by an affirmation, followed by a question. This question is answered by the writer who provides the reader with both popular and legal terms. The first use of colon introduces a list of concepts well-known for people. The second use of colon is beteen two independant sentences,the second explains the first sentence. The use of the coordinating conjuntion "but" implies a contrast between two terms as the writer starts explaining the concept of crime using a legal point of view. The phrase between quotation marks emphazise the idea of crime and gives the reader a closure.

Classification paragraphs may be classified in a variety of ways. 
  • Paragraphs may be sorted into functional groups such as introductory, develomental, transitional, summarizing and the like.
  • Depending on the purpose, paragraphs may be thought of as aiming to persuade, inform, argue, or to excite.
  • Paragraphs may be also classified according to such tecniques of development as comparison, contrast and definition.
  • Classification paragraph may organise items or ideas to be discussed into relatively homogeneous groups.

This classification paragraph is part of an essay which organize ideas in diferent paragraphs. "A second way" refers to a second idea to be developed: oppression. Oppressed people and violence are conected by the verb "resort to". In the supporting sentences, the consequences of violence are developed. Then, "but in spite of" refers to a comparison of ideas: temporary victories and permanent peace. The terminator sentence concludes with the idea of violence and its effects.

Eschohholz, P. and  Rosa, A. (2007). "Model for writers".  Nineth edition. University of Vermount. (P.p. 394, 412-414, 435-437).


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