Entry # 3

BRIEF SUMMARY Words are not just words, they are immensely powerful.Linguist J. L. Austin explanins how words act dividing them into two groups: constative and performative . Constative is the performative does, it describes true or false information and we are able to confirm this. When the information is incorrect, we talk about false constative. Performative denotes action, it does something. It acts upon the word and convey a message. Some words deserve action so we refer to speech act. It occurs when words are actions and include ordering, promising, apologising, warning, sentencing, chirstening and marrying. Succesful performatives depend on felicity conditions . They rule a performative that may be unacted. Performatives should be properly authoritative, understood, clear and able to be executed. Then, a disregarded performative may result in another performative to respect its meaning.


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