Entry #11 - Chapters 18,19 and 20
CHAPTER 18 Every language has a lot of variation, especially in the way it is spoken. Language variation is based on where the language is used (linguistic geography). The standard language This is aset of words and structures idealized because it has no specific region. We find this version printed in books and newspaper, it is used in mass media and it is taught in most schools. We can refer to Standard American English in U.S.A or, in Britain, Standard British English. In other parts of the world we can recognize varieties such as Standard Australian English, Standard Canadian English or Standard Indian English. Accent and dialect We all speak with an accent. Technically, the term "accent" is restricted to the description of aspects of pronunciation that identify where an individual speaker is from, regionally or socially. The term "dialect" is used to describe features of grammar and vocabulary as well as aspects of pronunciation. Dialec...
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