Fighting for equality George Montague, who is 94, is the oldest man in life to have been imprisoned account of his sexuality. This tragic event would have been unimaginable even twenty years ago. Nowadays, gay people can get married but the struggle for gay acceptance in society continues. In Britain, for homosexuals, equality and reality seems just a dream. They are still questioned by some parts of the society, including the church and the judicial system, if homosexuality is the product of nature or nurture . Meanwhile, prosecuted gays participate actively in parades and protests to fight for their rights. Recent statistics point out gay men who are six times more susceptible to suicide, their anguish unsaid..Overtime, violence has increased against homosexuals men, who from early ages face bullying. Another disappointing rate that gay men suffer form is earning between 10 and 32% less than their heterosexual colleagues. For men, it is difficult to survive in an aggres...
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